Friday, October 24, 2008

Good Job, Us!

Dear Confusia,

We made it to Friday! Of course, I hate Fridays, but still it's WAY better for it to be Friday than for it to be Monday, si o no?
It is not even normal how badly I need a day off. I mean I'm REALLY in need of a mental health day. I would consider taking one next week, but we have our Shakespeare performances coming up and I guess I should be here to get the little darlings ready for that. Plus, I have a workshop for three days during the week after my birthday, and that just seems like a lot of time to be out. Granted, it's not fun nor is it a vacation of any kind, but it is getting a sub and being out of the class and all that junk.

I guess I can just dream about November 26th, Thanksgiving Break. Of course, I'm goning to try to pick up some shifts at the Warehouse that week to make a little extra cash, but...
I just counted it up and I have 33 work days left until Semester Vacation. Is it too early to be looking at that do you think?
I wish I was either an inventor who could make something that would make me millions of dollars so I'd never have to do a Monday-Friday, 8-5 job again OR a really hot stripper type who could snag herself a sugar daddy. I'm not too proud.
Speaking of hot stripper types, do you ever just wake up and decide that you are fatter and grosser and uglier than you ever realized before? That's me today. Today's the kind of day when I just completely disgust myself. Good times! Why do you think that is? Why do you think somedays we can be ok with ourselves and then other days we're just overwhelmed with disappointment? Perhaps if we figure that out, we'll unlock some hidden magic for the world?
Ok, must take some time during my planning period to go pick up a few items for my Halloween costume.
Dear Terps,
Generally this occurs if I look too closely in the mirror when I am getting into the shower or bath. It is then that I think, "Wow. I truly am obese, and I need an epic Gastric Bypass the likes of which have never been seen before on the planet. It seems that I can fool myself most of the time, but every once in awhile the truth hits hard. I am always flabbergasted when you feel like this, though. If I had your body, I'd be downright dangerous! You wouldn't ever see me out of slutty clothes...ha ha ha I'm talking about hot pants, fishnets, and corsets. I'd go to the dang grocery story dressed like a Pussycat Doll. ha ha ha PTA meeting? Let me slip into a little bondage number...ha ha ha. I think this is why I DON'T have your body. God knows the world doesn't need me to be that way.
Kids are getting on my nerves REALLY badly this week. I'm talking about...I almost threw a tennis ball across my classroom yesterday in a fit of temper. They are PISSING ME OFF!!! I just don't have any friggin patience. I don't know if it's because I'm tired, or if it's because they're little bastards.
I am glad it's Friday. I'm leaving at 12:30 today to head towards San Antonio. I might stop by real quick for a visit if you're home. SURPRISE!!! Love you, Mwah! ha ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! My problem is that when I look in the mirror, I DON'T see what a mess I am. Then I see a picture of myself, and I'm horrified! I look up old friends on Facebook, curious to see how they look, then realize no one knows what I look like because I refuse to post photos of myself!