Thursday, June 4, 2009

Confusia Seen With Goofy Smile On Face

Dear Terps,
Isn't it strange that even in the midst of a personal struggle in life, there can be elements that are completely wonderful? I am amazed that at a time when I could be feeling really down, there are moments when I am indeed very grateful to be alive, and even happy. Life can be mysterious. That's not to say that I'm jumping up and down every minute of the day. I'm not. Today, though, I just keep smiling. :) :) :)
Love, Confusia

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is It Really Happening?

Dearest Confusia,
Could it be? Is it true? Has the last day of school finally arrived?
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
No fair! I want this to be my last day of school, too!
Love, Confusia