Monday, February 2, 2009

Wake Me When It's Over.

Dear Terps,
Lately, I feel like I'm totally running on auto-pilot. My house is a mess, though I did a bunch of work on it yesterday. My son is behind in his kindergarden homework. I just don't want to bother with much. I need to boost my energy...Well, not really my energy level. I have energy. It's that I'm bored with stuff. I'm bored of housework, bored of routine. I want to have an adventure. (A good kind of adventure, and not one that involves near-death experiences) Does any of this make sense, or am I rambling pointlessly?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I absolutely feel your pain. I keep thinking I'm stuck in a rut. It sucks. Maybe we can try to have an adventure when I come up in a few weeks. I'm bored with my job and my life too. It feels like I'm just stuck in one long day that keeps repeating. Maybe it's exceptionally bad today because it's Groundhog's Day? I'm blaming it on Bill Murray.
Love, Terps


Frank Irwin said...
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Frank Irwin said...

Well, Confusia, it sounds like you're about ready for a trip down to these parts.

(No, I'm not pointing to my pants.)

Terpsichore, Confusia said...

Not pointing to my pants. That's funny. Yep, I think it's official: Confusia should head this way!

Terpsichore, Confusia said...

Well, geez, Frank, why not? What's wrong with me, huh???
ha ha ha

Frank Irwin said...

Hah hah, Confusia! There's no yellow police barricade tape across the front of my pants, either. I just didn't want to seem pushy.

Terpsichore, Confusia said...

No yellow police barricade tape, YET, you mean...ha ha