Dear Terps,
Has this week seemed abnormally long to you? Seriously, this week is as abnormally long as my head is abnormally large. That's saying something. Yesterday, I looked at the clock and it was only 11:20. Three hours later, I looked at the clock again, and it was 11:28. What's up with that? I thought something was wrong with my clock for awhile.
This morning at duty time, I watched this kid unwrap a piece of gum and stick it in his mouth. They've known all year gum is not allowed anywhere on campus. i walk to him, and say, "Where did you get the gum?" He says, "From my pocket." I say, "No. Where did you GET it?"
He said, "Uh. In my pocket." I rolled my eyes mentally. "No. Before it got in your pocket, it was somewhere else. Where was that somewhere?" DUH!!!! Geez! Your pocket. Okay, no shit. Now who gave it to you, dumbass? Whatever.
Tomorrow night, I am supposed to have a date. I really hope it happens because I need a fucking break! I haven't seen Friend in a couple of weeks due to conflicting schedules, and I have missed the...well, everything! I miss not having to talk about all the shit going on in my life. I miss the companionship...the snuggling up and watching a movie and laughing together,etc. So I am greatly looking forward to tomorrow. I just want to relax...not be a "teacher", or a mom, or anything other than a female human being. You know what I mean?
Alcoholic beverages and some smooching...I don't ask for alot. :) How's your endless week going?
Love, Confusia
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Dearest Confusia,
I find grey to be my favorite color these days. I just seem to be in that kind of mood, ya know? It's kind of like being in high school again.
So about my date and the whole theory of the self-fulfilling prophecy...
I think I didn't want it to work out so I went into it with that attitude. Sometimes I think I don't want to date anyone or be in a relationship with anyone. I often wonder why the hell everybody is so into "finding someone" and shit like that. Is there something wrong with me that I just want to be left the hell alone? Because I kind of think there is something wrong with the rest of the fucking world because they all seem to think being in a relationship is the end all be all of all things wonderful. In fact, I see, hell I know, people who fall all over themselves and become something unidentifiable from what they were before just to have a significant other. And, I think some people would date the fucking Lord of the Underworld because society says being with a total prick is more acceptable than being single. I get it. Relationships are hard work, blah, blah, blah, but I think the pay off should be worth it though. Even bothering to date someone right now is more effort than I think the reward could possibly be. So, here's the really sad part. Was the date terrible? No, in fact it was great. We sat and talked nonstop for two hours about all kinds of shit. It was great. Would I do it again? Sure, if I felt like hanging out and talking to someone who might as well be my brother for all the attraction I felt towards him. So here comes the part I fucking hate. I get an email telling me what a great time he had and he'd love to get together again and it occurs to me that I actually went home last night with the mindset that maybe, just maybe, he felt that way too. Maybe he'd email me and say, "It was really fun hanging out with you. It seemed a lot to me like you and I have a lot in common and could be really good friends." But no, that's not what happened and now I feel like a horrible, awful person who is in an awkward situation that she doesn't know how to handle except for to completely avoid him at all costs, because that's how I always handle that shit. See, that's why I shouldn't date.
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
The relationship thing, I think, is instinctive for most people. I mean, that's how humans, as a species, continues itself...through sex. Most people feel guilty if they have sex with random people, so they pursue relationships. For me, it's the companionship, I think. The start of a relationship always makes me neurotic, though, and I hate that. I had a very neurotic weekend, as a matter of fact. I don't know why I get like that. It's so stupid.
Have you considered maybe talking to a doctor or a counselor about any of this? I wonder if your hormones are possibly off kilter. I get kind of worried for you when I read this stuff because you're such a wonderful person, and I would love it if you would find someone really awesome. Do we have to be in a relationship to lead a decent life? No. Are you abnormal if you don't want to be in a relationship? No. However, they can make life alot richer, and that shouldn't be discounted. Having just ended a bad marriage, you'd think I'd be the one saying what you're saying, and you'd be saying what I'm saying. :) Now, it could be that personality wise, relationships just aren't that important to you. I'd just hate for you to dismiss them altogether. Relationships, no matter who they're with, force us to grow. Be they family relationships, friend relationships, or love relationships...they make us deal with different aspects of ourselves, etc. I'll give you an example.
First, with Mr. Confusia, I had to confront the part of myself that is afraid to speak up. I seriously had to let go. The last big fight we had where my windshield got broken, etc...He was trying to intimidate me into giving him his way. Normally, I might have given in just to keep the material things from getting broken, but I knew that I could not. I got to the line where I just could not give in anymore. It wasn't a fun day at all for me, but I drew my boundaries and stuck by them. It was, in the end, a learning moment.
Now, I'm in something completely new for me, which is something that proceeds slowly. It's a little difficult for me, but at the same time, I know that this is the way it's supposed to happen. You're not supposed to move in together after the third date..ha ha I am learning to be more patient. I am also learning that I can entertain myself. He was busy working this weekend, and it's been two weeks since I've had time with him. Am I thrilled about that? Not really. At the same time, though, I feel it's an important lesson for me. Patience. Controlling my impulsivity. Not being a neurotic mess. Trust. Will this relationship work out? I don't know that. But I will change and grow whether it does or not.
It's about pruning, I think, is what I'm trying to say. Trim this, encourage that, feed and water, cut off the dead branches, etc. This is how human beings grow, too.
Love, Confusia
I find grey to be my favorite color these days. I just seem to be in that kind of mood, ya know? It's kind of like being in high school again.
So about my date and the whole theory of the self-fulfilling prophecy...
I think I didn't want it to work out so I went into it with that attitude. Sometimes I think I don't want to date anyone or be in a relationship with anyone. I often wonder why the hell everybody is so into "finding someone" and shit like that. Is there something wrong with me that I just want to be left the hell alone? Because I kind of think there is something wrong with the rest of the fucking world because they all seem to think being in a relationship is the end all be all of all things wonderful. In fact, I see, hell I know, people who fall all over themselves and become something unidentifiable from what they were before just to have a significant other. And, I think some people would date the fucking Lord of the Underworld because society says being with a total prick is more acceptable than being single. I get it. Relationships are hard work, blah, blah, blah, but I think the pay off should be worth it though. Even bothering to date someone right now is more effort than I think the reward could possibly be. So, here's the really sad part. Was the date terrible? No, in fact it was great. We sat and talked nonstop for two hours about all kinds of shit. It was great. Would I do it again? Sure, if I felt like hanging out and talking to someone who might as well be my brother for all the attraction I felt towards him. So here comes the part I fucking hate. I get an email telling me what a great time he had and he'd love to get together again and it occurs to me that I actually went home last night with the mindset that maybe, just maybe, he felt that way too. Maybe he'd email me and say, "It was really fun hanging out with you. It seemed a lot to me like you and I have a lot in common and could be really good friends." But no, that's not what happened and now I feel like a horrible, awful person who is in an awkward situation that she doesn't know how to handle except for to completely avoid him at all costs, because that's how I always handle that shit. See, that's why I shouldn't date.
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
The relationship thing, I think, is instinctive for most people. I mean, that's how humans, as a species, continues itself...through sex. Most people feel guilty if they have sex with random people, so they pursue relationships. For me, it's the companionship, I think. The start of a relationship always makes me neurotic, though, and I hate that. I had a very neurotic weekend, as a matter of fact. I don't know why I get like that. It's so stupid.
Have you considered maybe talking to a doctor or a counselor about any of this? I wonder if your hormones are possibly off kilter. I get kind of worried for you when I read this stuff because you're such a wonderful person, and I would love it if you would find someone really awesome. Do we have to be in a relationship to lead a decent life? No. Are you abnormal if you don't want to be in a relationship? No. However, they can make life alot richer, and that shouldn't be discounted. Having just ended a bad marriage, you'd think I'd be the one saying what you're saying, and you'd be saying what I'm saying. :) Now, it could be that personality wise, relationships just aren't that important to you. I'd just hate for you to dismiss them altogether. Relationships, no matter who they're with, force us to grow. Be they family relationships, friend relationships, or love relationships...they make us deal with different aspects of ourselves, etc. I'll give you an example.
First, with Mr. Confusia, I had to confront the part of myself that is afraid to speak up. I seriously had to let go. The last big fight we had where my windshield got broken, etc...He was trying to intimidate me into giving him his way. Normally, I might have given in just to keep the material things from getting broken, but I knew that I could not. I got to the line where I just could not give in anymore. It wasn't a fun day at all for me, but I drew my boundaries and stuck by them. It was, in the end, a learning moment.
Now, I'm in something completely new for me, which is something that proceeds slowly. It's a little difficult for me, but at the same time, I know that this is the way it's supposed to happen. You're not supposed to move in together after the third date..ha ha I am learning to be more patient. I am also learning that I can entertain myself. He was busy working this weekend, and it's been two weeks since I've had time with him. Am I thrilled about that? Not really. At the same time, though, I feel it's an important lesson for me. Patience. Controlling my impulsivity. Not being a neurotic mess. Trust. Will this relationship work out? I don't know that. But I will change and grow whether it does or not.
It's about pruning, I think, is what I'm trying to say. Trim this, encourage that, feed and water, cut off the dead branches, etc. This is how human beings grow, too.
Love, Confusia
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Where the Hell is Terpsichore?
Hello? Anyone out there? I'm talking about you, Terpsichore!
Alright. Well, I'll start then.
Dear Terps,
How is your mother doing? I'm sorry we couldn't get together this weekend. I wish Friday would have worked. My mom told me that the baby was up four times that night, so I'm actually astonished that she didn't call me to pick her up! I'd have called.
I had a decent weekend overall. I went shopping. I got a new pair of shoes, and some new pants, which were desperately needed since my co-workers see me in the same outfits every week. They probably take bets behind my back as to which I'll show up wearing on any particular day.
So this week has been interesting. I haven't had many kids in In-House. I HAVE had, though, a young lady from the Behavioral Intervention unit. She decided that she wanted to be with me all day. That was Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I taught a few classes to cover for some teachers at inservice...Health and P.E...because I'm not unhealthy or overweight at all. I'd be the natural choice for teaching these two classes. (loud, loud laughter)
Alright, Guys, the first thing you (cough, cough) need to know (coughing fit) is that you should never (hacks up a lung) EVER smoke cigarettes. (clears throat and coughs.) They're really bad for you.
Second thing, be careful about what you eat. (pulls pants back up over muffin top.) You want to really eat healthy foods (takes bite of greasy donut.) and also, get plenty of exercise. (Sits down in chair)
Yeah. Awesome.
How's your week going?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
You know, that actually reminds me an awful lot of when my elementary school P.E. teacher taught our health unit. The man who thought teaching P.E. meant telling us to run the track while he read the paper, drank coffee, and ate Danishes. Damn I miss him.
My mom is good. I talked to her during lunch today. They have her doing all kinds of exercises (maybe she should teach that class) and junk, but it doesn't seem to be too hard on her.
As for me, I actually posted earlier and then deleted it. I have a date tonight. It'll probably end badly. I don't even know what to wear. Ideas?
Love, Terps
Actually, I forgot to tell you my exciting news earlier. I finally paid off UNT, so I can go back to college now!!!! I've already signed up to take the THEA test again, but will need to study like a crazy person from now til April 25th. I'm really, really happy about this. Almost as happy as I am about the fact you have a date! Nice segue, huh?
So why do you think it'll end badly? It may end up brilliantly. Who knows? You don't want to do some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Speaking of shit that ends badly, though...I just spoke with the soon-to-be ex-husband. He decided he wanted to be an a-hole. You know what I did? I was an a-hole right back to him! Isn't that fantastic? I followed that up with, "So that was fun, right. Now, we can either do that kind of thing, or we can be grown-ups who put the children's well-being first. Which plan sounds better to you?" He got better pretty quickly. Apparently he's been hanging out with his ex-girlfriend know, the one who fucked his twin brother, and now they'll never know which twin is the dad of her daughter? Yeah, her. Clearly, he's a hotshot right now because she'll always stand by him, I guess. Better her than me.
Love, Confusia
Alright. Well, I'll start then.
Dear Terps,
How is your mother doing? I'm sorry we couldn't get together this weekend. I wish Friday would have worked. My mom told me that the baby was up four times that night, so I'm actually astonished that she didn't call me to pick her up! I'd have called.
I had a decent weekend overall. I went shopping. I got a new pair of shoes, and some new pants, which were desperately needed since my co-workers see me in the same outfits every week. They probably take bets behind my back as to which I'll show up wearing on any particular day.
So this week has been interesting. I haven't had many kids in In-House. I HAVE had, though, a young lady from the Behavioral Intervention unit. She decided that she wanted to be with me all day. That was Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday I taught a few classes to cover for some teachers at inservice...Health and P.E...because I'm not unhealthy or overweight at all. I'd be the natural choice for teaching these two classes. (loud, loud laughter)
Alright, Guys, the first thing you (cough, cough) need to know (coughing fit) is that you should never (hacks up a lung) EVER smoke cigarettes. (clears throat and coughs.) They're really bad for you.
Second thing, be careful about what you eat. (pulls pants back up over muffin top.) You want to really eat healthy foods (takes bite of greasy donut.) and also, get plenty of exercise. (Sits down in chair)
Yeah. Awesome.
How's your week going?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
You know, that actually reminds me an awful lot of when my elementary school P.E. teacher taught our health unit. The man who thought teaching P.E. meant telling us to run the track while he read the paper, drank coffee, and ate Danishes. Damn I miss him.
My mom is good. I talked to her during lunch today. They have her doing all kinds of exercises (maybe she should teach that class) and junk, but it doesn't seem to be too hard on her.
As for me, I actually posted earlier and then deleted it. I have a date tonight. It'll probably end badly. I don't even know what to wear. Ideas?
Love, Terps
Actually, I forgot to tell you my exciting news earlier. I finally paid off UNT, so I can go back to college now!!!! I've already signed up to take the THEA test again, but will need to study like a crazy person from now til April 25th. I'm really, really happy about this. Almost as happy as I am about the fact you have a date! Nice segue, huh?
So why do you think it'll end badly? It may end up brilliantly. Who knows? You don't want to do some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. Speaking of shit that ends badly, though...I just spoke with the soon-to-be ex-husband. He decided he wanted to be an a-hole. You know what I did? I was an a-hole right back to him! Isn't that fantastic? I followed that up with, "So that was fun, right. Now, we can either do that kind of thing, or we can be grown-ups who put the children's well-being first. Which plan sounds better to you?" He got better pretty quickly. Apparently he's been hanging out with his ex-girlfriend know, the one who fucked his twin brother, and now they'll never know which twin is the dad of her daughter? Yeah, her. Clearly, he's a hotshot right now because she'll always stand by him, I guess. Better her than me.
Love, Confusia
black lung disease,
fat ass,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Love (or is it Estrogen?) Is In the Air...
Dear Terps,
I know you are driving today and so will probably not get this until later. I observed something very humorous this morning, and wanted to share.
As you know, here in 6th Grade Co-Education, Valentine's Day is a HUGE deal. The kids are bringing in their little gifts this morning like crazy, though it's not as bad as it was last year.
The girls come in bearing their gift-wrapped presents proudly, showing everyone that they have the goods. The boys, on the other hand...I'll put it this way...I think, that if they could tie a bit of rope around their gifts, and drag them behind them on the ground, they would. It is SO funny! They've got them stuffed in backpacks. They're holding teddy bears around the neck, while almost visibly lengthening their arms to become knuckle draggers. They've got things stuffed in pockets, hidden in shirts...OMG! It's cracking me up. I guess Valentine's Day is not a very manly holiday. The differences in the genders at this age is a source of endless amusement to me.
Love, Confusia
I know you are driving today and so will probably not get this until later. I observed something very humorous this morning, and wanted to share.
As you know, here in 6th Grade Co-Education, Valentine's Day is a HUGE deal. The kids are bringing in their little gifts this morning like crazy, though it's not as bad as it was last year.
The girls come in bearing their gift-wrapped presents proudly, showing everyone that they have the goods. The boys, on the other hand...I'll put it this way...I think, that if they could tie a bit of rope around their gifts, and drag them behind them on the ground, they would. It is SO funny! They've got them stuffed in backpacks. They're holding teddy bears around the neck, while almost visibly lengthening their arms to become knuckle draggers. They've got things stuffed in pockets, hidden in shirts...OMG! It's cracking me up. I guess Valentine's Day is not a very manly holiday. The differences in the genders at this age is a source of endless amusement to me.
Love, Confusia
Happy Birthday, My Friend.
Since I won't be near a computer on February 15th,
Happy Early Birthday, Carl P. Weber.
Love, Confusia
Happy Early Birthday, Carl P. Weber.
Love, Confusia
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Happy Hallmark Holiday! (A Pre-VD Special)

Robert Smith posing for Confusia's favorite teen magazine "Star Hits" in 345 BC

Robert Smith, shaken and stirred.

Robert Smith says, "Come hither."

We rag tag Beasties back at the hotel. ha ha Confusia says, "Ad-Rock is hot."
Terpsichore once listed her dream job as "Having sex with Mike D for money."
Terps is a really smart girl. I wish I'd thought of it first. :)
Thursday = Friday
Dear Confusia,
I am so excited about today. I mean not really, but I'm excited that I don't have to work tomorrow or Monday and so today feels like a Friday to me. Granted I do have to make that hellish drive tomorrow. And it's hardly going to be like a party weekend, but still, I won't be at work again until Tuesday. Yippee! Sadly, I will be missing out on two days of in-service training (boo hoo), but somehow I'll make it through.
How have you been?
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
Do you think it's possible to have a mid-life crisis at my age? I mean, I know I'm only 23, but it just seems like I'm bored out of my mind with the same old routine. You know, I think this must be the age at which people do weird shit. Maybe I should get a new tattoo, or new hairstyle or color. I don't really want to become a hari krishna or anything; I just want to do something I don't usually do...and no, using a semi-colon just now doesn't count. Oh well, I'll think of something. Maybe it's time for more belly dance classes. Who knows?
I'm waiting somewhat impatiently for my income tax refund. Until I get it, I am a poor little churchmouse. No high rolling for me. ha ha I say that like I'm ever a high roller..:) For me, high rolling is Wal-Mart instead of the Dollar Store. Oh well, that's working in education, for you.
Sorry this is so rambling. I'm going to do a fantastic post in a bit. It's going to be a VD extravaganza, just you wait and see! ha ha
I hope your mom is doing well. I also hope I manage to spend some time with you this weekend. Perhaps we can arrange to picket a Hallmark store or some such thing...
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
Perhaps the first new, weird, and exciting thing you can do is claim the age you actually are. That might make for some wild and crazy entertaining. Below I have made a list of potential Valentine's Day activities we could engage in:
1) Picket or pipe bomb any and all Hallmark stores
2) Buy really cheap booze, drink it all, and hang out in the parking lots of all the upscale restaurants in the greater DFW area
3) One of us could throw ourselves in front of all florist delivery vans and while the driver is stopping to check on our well-being, the other cold climb into the van and do some shearing a la Morticia Addams
4) Hey wait a second. Don't you have a beau these days???
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
Seriously, 23, 24 same difference. Claim my real age, indeed! ha ha
1.) Or we could into several of them dressed in Gothic glory and make fun of everyone.
2.) Buy cheap booze, drink it all, go in and devour guacamole in all the upscale restaurants...
3.) Perfect just the way it is. And since we'll already be in head-to-toe gothic for Number 1, we'll look like Morticia, too.
4.) I don't know if he's a "beau" as we have not had any awkward "BF/GF" conversations. I would like to see him at some point, but he may have to work. I'll have to just see how it goes. I would also like to get him some chocolate because he loves it so, and he's really good at sharing. :) sigh...He's really a good person for me...A few weeks ago we went out to eat and he complained because I wasn't taking big enough bites of his cheesecake. :) Yes. He needs chocolate. And kisses.
Okay, so even though I really like him alot, I still do not like Valentine's Day because it is a holiday made for bitching. I mean, why not just call it "Happy Bitch Day" because that's what everyone does. The men gripe because they're stressing out on what to get for their sig. others. The girls gripe because the men didn't get the right thing. That's the couples. Single people gripe because they're single...What the hell good is it to have a holiday that makes almost everyone unhappy??? Other Confusia suggestions for better names for Feb. 14th include:
1. Happy Binge Drinking Day
2. Happy Vomit in Your Mouth Day
3. Happy Everyone in the World Has Someone Who Loves Them but You Day.
4. Happy Hopelessly High Expectations Day
5. Happy Velvet Heart Factory Day
Any more I might have missed???
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
6. Happy Do You Know How Many Bug Parts Are In Your Russell Stover Box? Day
7. Happy I Guess I'll Just Go Home and Kill Myself Day
8. Happy the Colors Red, Pink, and White Make Me Violent Day
9. Happy Wasn't This a Terrib le Massacre? And Isn't It Still? Day
10. Happy I Have an Illness That Makes Me Love Necco Conversation Hearts Day
Dear Terps,
I'd forgotten about your little addiction to those hearts. I prefer the Sweet Tart Hearts myself. Note to self: Pick up a box at the store tonight...
Of course, the one good thing about VD is that it's Rob Thomas' birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Rob Thomas!
Love, Confusia
I am so excited about today. I mean not really, but I'm excited that I don't have to work tomorrow or Monday and so today feels like a Friday to me. Granted I do have to make that hellish drive tomorrow. And it's hardly going to be like a party weekend, but still, I won't be at work again until Tuesday. Yippee! Sadly, I will be missing out on two days of in-service training (boo hoo), but somehow I'll make it through.
How have you been?
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
Do you think it's possible to have a mid-life crisis at my age? I mean, I know I'm only 23, but it just seems like I'm bored out of my mind with the same old routine. You know, I think this must be the age at which people do weird shit. Maybe I should get a new tattoo, or new hairstyle or color. I don't really want to become a hari krishna or anything; I just want to do something I don't usually do...and no, using a semi-colon just now doesn't count. Oh well, I'll think of something. Maybe it's time for more belly dance classes. Who knows?
I'm waiting somewhat impatiently for my income tax refund. Until I get it, I am a poor little churchmouse. No high rolling for me. ha ha I say that like I'm ever a high roller..:) For me, high rolling is Wal-Mart instead of the Dollar Store. Oh well, that's working in education, for you.
Sorry this is so rambling. I'm going to do a fantastic post in a bit. It's going to be a VD extravaganza, just you wait and see! ha ha
I hope your mom is doing well. I also hope I manage to spend some time with you this weekend. Perhaps we can arrange to picket a Hallmark store or some such thing...
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
Perhaps the first new, weird, and exciting thing you can do is claim the age you actually are. That might make for some wild and crazy entertaining. Below I have made a list of potential Valentine's Day activities we could engage in:
1) Picket or pipe bomb any and all Hallmark stores
2) Buy really cheap booze, drink it all, and hang out in the parking lots of all the upscale restaurants in the greater DFW area
3) One of us could throw ourselves in front of all florist delivery vans and while the driver is stopping to check on our well-being, the other cold climb into the van and do some shearing a la Morticia Addams
4) Hey wait a second. Don't you have a beau these days???
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
Seriously, 23, 24 same difference. Claim my real age, indeed! ha ha
1.) Or we could into several of them dressed in Gothic glory and make fun of everyone.
2.) Buy cheap booze, drink it all, go in and devour guacamole in all the upscale restaurants...
3.) Perfect just the way it is. And since we'll already be in head-to-toe gothic for Number 1, we'll look like Morticia, too.
4.) I don't know if he's a "beau" as we have not had any awkward "BF/GF" conversations. I would like to see him at some point, but he may have to work. I'll have to just see how it goes. I would also like to get him some chocolate because he loves it so, and he's really good at sharing. :) sigh...He's really a good person for me...A few weeks ago we went out to eat and he complained because I wasn't taking big enough bites of his cheesecake. :) Yes. He needs chocolate. And kisses.
Okay, so even though I really like him alot, I still do not like Valentine's Day because it is a holiday made for bitching. I mean, why not just call it "Happy Bitch Day" because that's what everyone does. The men gripe because they're stressing out on what to get for their sig. others. The girls gripe because the men didn't get the right thing. That's the couples. Single people gripe because they're single...What the hell good is it to have a holiday that makes almost everyone unhappy??? Other Confusia suggestions for better names for Feb. 14th include:
1. Happy Binge Drinking Day
2. Happy Vomit in Your Mouth Day
3. Happy Everyone in the World Has Someone Who Loves Them but You Day.
4. Happy Hopelessly High Expectations Day
5. Happy Velvet Heart Factory Day
Any more I might have missed???
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
6. Happy Do You Know How Many Bug Parts Are In Your Russell Stover Box? Day
7. Happy I Guess I'll Just Go Home and Kill Myself Day
8. Happy the Colors Red, Pink, and White Make Me Violent Day
9. Happy Wasn't This a Terrib le Massacre? And Isn't It Still? Day
10. Happy I Have an Illness That Makes Me Love Necco Conversation Hearts Day
Dear Terps,
I'd forgotten about your little addiction to those hearts. I prefer the Sweet Tart Hearts myself. Note to self: Pick up a box at the store tonight...
Of course, the one good thing about VD is that it's Rob Thomas' birthday. So, Happy Birthday, Rob Thomas!
Love, Confusia
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Why Do the Hoodlums ALWAYS Find Me?
Dear Terps,
Yesterday afternoon when I pulled up at the babysitter's house to pick up the two youngest, I noticed that one of the neighbor's kids was outside playing in the mud puddles. I went into the babysitter's house for a second, and when I got back out with the kids, I noticed that the word, "Bitch" was scrawled on my car door in mud. The neighbor's kid had moved to the other side of the yard. I put the kids in the car, and went to knock on his door. His mom answered. I said, "Hi. Your son just wrote the word 'Bitch' on my car door." She said, "Oh no. He doesn't cuss." I replied, "Well, it happened in the last three minutes, and he's the only one out here." She said, "Well, I'll ask him about it, but I know he doesn't cuss." I left. Of course, nothing was done about it, because her little darling doesn't cuss.
This morning, I dropped my son off at school, and took particular joy in the fact that my neighbor works at his school. She has morning duty in the car drop-off line. So, I drove my car, with "Bitch" still written on it, through her line. I knew that all the proper Crowley parents would raise their perfectly waxed eyebrows, and she would know that it was her son who did it. Good times. After that, I drove to the gas station and washed the door off.
Next time, I will skip the middle man, and go straight to the source. I will look at that little heathen, and say, "Your mom doesn't think you cuss, but I know you do, and guess what? So do I. So, you're going to get your little punk ass out there and wash my fucking door off, you little bastard, or I'm going to call the fucking po-lice out here to give you a ticket for vandalism, you little fuck."
Life is so much easier when you cease trying to be courteous and politically correct, don't you think?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
Seems like your week has gotten off to an interesting start.
Being at work today is like torture for me. I just got off the phone with my dad who told me they had just come to get my mom and take her back for surgery prep. It just sucks to be stuck here pretending like it's just a normal day and that my mom isn't having an operation that will cause her a minimum of three months rehab, ya know? At least my two oldest borthers are there with my dad. Maybe it'll keep him from stressing out too much. Suddenly I'm just not really that interested in the sonnets these ladies are writing.
Also, we are obligated to give up half of our planning periods everyday to score applications for next years students. Neat! That is exactly what I'm dying to do.
Love, Terp
P.S. In totally unrelated new...I read on Yahoo! today that the way to look younger is to gain wieght.
Dear Terps,
Dammit, I just wrote a lovely response, and it got erased. I shall try to remember what I wrote.
I will say a prayer for your mom, but I think she'll surprise everyone with how well she does. I think she's a formidable woman who will not be content to stay off her feet. I think she'll see it as, "I have too many people to take care of, so I'm going to get up." For my money, I'd bet you all will have a fight on your hands to keep her down long enough. I don't know why so many moms are that way. It's like we're brainwashed, or have an extreme "nurture chip" implanted during the first delivery. I'm also glad your brothers are there with your dad, though, because I'm sure he's really nervous. You'll be up here this weekend, so try not to worry too much. Your brothers will be ready for a break by then, and the cavalry (ie. YOU) will arrive.
Re: gaining weight to look younger. I hope this means that I look at least ten years younger, although now I don't know if I should lose weight or not. I've often wondered about that because I've seen younger women who are thin who look older than I do. This might be due to my inability to see reality in the mirror though, so I'm not too certain. I just think that my completely flawless skin goes well with my size five hips and flat abdomen. ;)
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I guess I'm totally screwed because the only skinny part of me is my face. Imagine the luck. As for the calvary arriving...Thankfully for my parents' sakes, Michelle is going to spend the weekend there with them so she can actually do things like cook. Because unless they want to eat microwave popcorn and drink vodka tonics the whole time, I'm useless.
Love, Terp
Yesterday afternoon when I pulled up at the babysitter's house to pick up the two youngest, I noticed that one of the neighbor's kids was outside playing in the mud puddles. I went into the babysitter's house for a second, and when I got back out with the kids, I noticed that the word, "Bitch" was scrawled on my car door in mud. The neighbor's kid had moved to the other side of the yard. I put the kids in the car, and went to knock on his door. His mom answered. I said, "Hi. Your son just wrote the word 'Bitch' on my car door." She said, "Oh no. He doesn't cuss." I replied, "Well, it happened in the last three minutes, and he's the only one out here." She said, "Well, I'll ask him about it, but I know he doesn't cuss." I left. Of course, nothing was done about it, because her little darling doesn't cuss.
This morning, I dropped my son off at school, and took particular joy in the fact that my neighbor works at his school. She has morning duty in the car drop-off line. So, I drove my car, with "Bitch" still written on it, through her line. I knew that all the proper Crowley parents would raise their perfectly waxed eyebrows, and she would know that it was her son who did it. Good times. After that, I drove to the gas station and washed the door off.
Next time, I will skip the middle man, and go straight to the source. I will look at that little heathen, and say, "Your mom doesn't think you cuss, but I know you do, and guess what? So do I. So, you're going to get your little punk ass out there and wash my fucking door off, you little bastard, or I'm going to call the fucking po-lice out here to give you a ticket for vandalism, you little fuck."
Life is so much easier when you cease trying to be courteous and politically correct, don't you think?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
Seems like your week has gotten off to an interesting start.
Being at work today is like torture for me. I just got off the phone with my dad who told me they had just come to get my mom and take her back for surgery prep. It just sucks to be stuck here pretending like it's just a normal day and that my mom isn't having an operation that will cause her a minimum of three months rehab, ya know? At least my two oldest borthers are there with my dad. Maybe it'll keep him from stressing out too much. Suddenly I'm just not really that interested in the sonnets these ladies are writing.
Also, we are obligated to give up half of our planning periods everyday to score applications for next years students. Neat! That is exactly what I'm dying to do.
Love, Terp
P.S. In totally unrelated new...I read on Yahoo! today that the way to look younger is to gain wieght.
Dear Terps,
Dammit, I just wrote a lovely response, and it got erased. I shall try to remember what I wrote.
I will say a prayer for your mom, but I think she'll surprise everyone with how well she does. I think she's a formidable woman who will not be content to stay off her feet. I think she'll see it as, "I have too many people to take care of, so I'm going to get up." For my money, I'd bet you all will have a fight on your hands to keep her down long enough. I don't know why so many moms are that way. It's like we're brainwashed, or have an extreme "nurture chip" implanted during the first delivery. I'm also glad your brothers are there with your dad, though, because I'm sure he's really nervous. You'll be up here this weekend, so try not to worry too much. Your brothers will be ready for a break by then, and the cavalry (ie. YOU) will arrive.
Re: gaining weight to look younger. I hope this means that I look at least ten years younger, although now I don't know if I should lose weight or not. I've often wondered about that because I've seen younger women who are thin who look older than I do. This might be due to my inability to see reality in the mirror though, so I'm not too certain. I just think that my completely flawless skin goes well with my size five hips and flat abdomen. ;)
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I guess I'm totally screwed because the only skinny part of me is my face. Imagine the luck. As for the calvary arriving...Thankfully for my parents' sakes, Michelle is going to spend the weekend there with them so she can actually do things like cook. Because unless they want to eat microwave popcorn and drink vodka tonics the whole time, I'm useless.
Love, Terp
Monday, February 9, 2009
Planets Align. Confusia Gets a Free Day.
Dear Terps,
I am writing to you in orange today particularly because I am in a good mood. I had the best Saturday! Magically, I ended up with a free day and night. My sister had the baby. Isaac's dad had him, and Confusia, Jr. was at my mom's house. FANTASTIC!
I texted my new friend and asked him if he were free, and he asked me when I would be over. I asked him if he had a time preference. He texted back, "Now." :) I liked that answer. So I spent the whole day and evening with him just relaxing and having fun. It was SOOOOO nice to get a break from all the crap that's been happening lately. We watched a movie or two, drank a lot, played a game on his computers, and stayed up all night. It was brilliant. I've been in a good mood ever since. While I know that now it's back to the day to day grind, I am very grateful to have had a day to not talk about my troubles, or worry about EVERYTHING! I am also grateful that in the middle of this awful time for me, there has been this amazing gift of a man I can be myself with, and laugh with, and who teaches me stuff, and who is an amazing human being. It's been so long since I've been around a man who entertains me and fascinates me so much. It's an absolute delight.
Okay, so now that I've been all gushy, I can also say that it's a wonderful thing that in the midst of hardship, you experience so much kindness from others. Yesterday, two of my sisters and my step-mother came over to my house, and we all worked for a few hours cleaning. The house was a mess...totally out-of-control because all last week I was busy day and night dealing with either kid meltdowns, or sick children, etc. It was so nice of them all to come over and help me. I appreciated it a great deal. We also had a meeting on what to do with Confusia, Jr., and it's nice to have the whole family involved with solving this dilemna.
I want to take just a second before I close to give "props" to my step-mom. As you know, I had a step-mom for five years when I was a child who, I'm pretty sure, was the direct descendent of Satan. ha ha That is not the case now. My dad's taste has sure improved alot. I really love my new step-mother. Apart from how happy she makes my dad (and I'm talking about them sending Christmas cards of them wearing matching shirts kind of happy.) she has been a total life-saver throughout this heinous month. She has picked up Jr. from school, brought balloons and coloring books to Isaac in the hospital, babysat the baby so I could get Jr. or Isaac to doctors, listened to me vent, and is now about to be Jr.'s substitute mother. I don't know if you could ask any more of someone, and she has done it all without complaint. I'm grateful for her.
Anyhow, my last post was full of complaints and sorrow, so I wanted to balance that with a post expressing gratitude for all the wonderful and amazing people(and that includes you!) who have shown me love and support through one of the worst times of my life. It is a great lesson in humility and brotherly love when one receives so much of the best of people when one is feeling particularly low and downtrodden. Thank you for being there, too. Once again, you've shown me what a lucky day it was when I was hired at that hellish Elementary school with you. :)
Love you, Confusia
I am writing to you in orange today particularly because I am in a good mood. I had the best Saturday! Magically, I ended up with a free day and night. My sister had the baby. Isaac's dad had him, and Confusia, Jr. was at my mom's house. FANTASTIC!
I texted my new friend and asked him if he were free, and he asked me when I would be over. I asked him if he had a time preference. He texted back, "Now." :) I liked that answer. So I spent the whole day and evening with him just relaxing and having fun. It was SOOOOO nice to get a break from all the crap that's been happening lately. We watched a movie or two, drank a lot, played a game on his computers, and stayed up all night. It was brilliant. I've been in a good mood ever since. While I know that now it's back to the day to day grind, I am very grateful to have had a day to not talk about my troubles, or worry about EVERYTHING! I am also grateful that in the middle of this awful time for me, there has been this amazing gift of a man I can be myself with, and laugh with, and who teaches me stuff, and who is an amazing human being. It's been so long since I've been around a man who entertains me and fascinates me so much. It's an absolute delight.
Okay, so now that I've been all gushy, I can also say that it's a wonderful thing that in the midst of hardship, you experience so much kindness from others. Yesterday, two of my sisters and my step-mother came over to my house, and we all worked for a few hours cleaning. The house was a mess...totally out-of-control because all last week I was busy day and night dealing with either kid meltdowns, or sick children, etc. It was so nice of them all to come over and help me. I appreciated it a great deal. We also had a meeting on what to do with Confusia, Jr., and it's nice to have the whole family involved with solving this dilemna.
I want to take just a second before I close to give "props" to my step-mom. As you know, I had a step-mom for five years when I was a child who, I'm pretty sure, was the direct descendent of Satan. ha ha That is not the case now. My dad's taste has sure improved alot. I really love my new step-mother. Apart from how happy she makes my dad (and I'm talking about them sending Christmas cards of them wearing matching shirts kind of happy.) she has been a total life-saver throughout this heinous month. She has picked up Jr. from school, brought balloons and coloring books to Isaac in the hospital, babysat the baby so I could get Jr. or Isaac to doctors, listened to me vent, and is now about to be Jr.'s substitute mother. I don't know if you could ask any more of someone, and she has done it all without complaint. I'm grateful for her.
Anyhow, my last post was full of complaints and sorrow, so I wanted to balance that with a post expressing gratitude for all the wonderful and amazing people(and that includes you!) who have shown me love and support through one of the worst times of my life. It is a great lesson in humility and brotherly love when one receives so much of the best of people when one is feeling particularly low and downtrodden. Thank you for being there, too. Once again, you've shown me what a lucky day it was when I was hired at that hellish Elementary school with you. :)
Love you, Confusia
Friday, February 6, 2009
How To Make This Clearer
Dear Confusia,
UGH! ARGH! WTF??? Class started three minutes ago. Everyone is working on completing writing projects that have been started but not finished. I said, "Because it's important that we get these pieces completed within the first hour of class today, everyone needs to be respectful of each other working and not talk." Within 30 seconds, the class was so loud I could not hear a girl standing in front of me asking a question. So again I stated, "There should be no talking right now. Everyone needs to be finishing incomplete pieces." After 30 seconds, the talking had started again. I then asked the class, "Should we work on a writing piece in which each of you writes what it means to be quiet and the consequences of chosing to talk when you have been asked three times to stop?" Finally, they stopped talking. Seriously, three times in three minutes. It's not like I teach in an SED class anymore. I get it. It's Friday. Trust me, nobody is more aware of that than me, but come on. How long until lunch???
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
I am enjoying my own little portion of Hell today, so don't feel alone. Last night, I took my son to the ER because he's been sick for three days, and it won't go away. He was burning up, throwing up, totally lethargic, and looks like he's lost 10 pounds. The doctor at the ER admitted him, so he spent the night there last night, and probably won't be released til tomorrow. I am really worried about him. He won't eat anything other than 2 cheetohs five hours apart. Without food, I'm worried that his body won't have enough calories to fight off the infection. It turns out he's got strep throat, which is insane, because he hasn't complained about his throat hurting at all. I thought it was the flu. He looks so pale lying in the hospital bed with an IV in his little arm. He can't even walk because he's too weak. A few minutes ago, the babysitter called to tell me that the baby is throwing up now, too. I just got Con, Jr. out of the hospital Monday, and she's still up to all of her fun behaviors. In the past three weeks, I have been through TEN different completely devastating events. I mean, any ONE of these things would have been insane to deal with, but TEN!!!! I'm beginning to just feel like I'm going to crumble. Half the time I don't know whether I want to cry, throw up, or crawl into bed and refuse to come out until next January. I swear, I think the only thing that is keeping me from a nervous breakdown is my fantastic daydreaming ability. I just won't think about more than one of these things at a time, and that only when I'm being forced to do so, which unfortunately, is frequent. I'm going to talk to a counselor next week and I'm hoping that will help. I haven't been home before 9:30 any night this week. that may sound normal to most people, but not for a single mother of three. The housework is building up with me not there to do it. I just go from doctor appt. to hospital, to this relative's house, to that relative's house, checking on one kid, filling another's prescription, to work, back to the doctor's office. Some days, I feel so overwhelmed. I feel bad because I've been so busy dealing with all of Confusia, Jr.'s issues, that I'd taken my son to his dad's so he could watch him while he's sick. Now my son is worse off, and I feel it's because I didn't get him to a doctor sooner. I feel like shit. I needed to vent.
Dear Confusia,
Yes, so I guess you are right. I have no reason to complain about chatty girls, all things considered. It was helpful to read your reply so as to ground me a little better. It helps too that I have a new class right now that is taking an exam and that are totally silent. (And boy do I love silent.)
So, I'm so sorry to hear that the kids are sick. I can't believe how the shit just keeps stacking up against you. It seems overwhelming to me and I'm only hearing about, not dealing with it. If you need anything from me, let me know. I know I can't be a huge help from so far away, but I'll do what I can. I'll definitely buy you a chocolate cake shot next weekend if we get to see each other. I know alcohol is a temporary fix, but it's better than no fix at all.
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
If you want to complain about chatty girls, feel absolutely free to do so. They get on my effing nerves, too. :)
I also can't believe how everything just keeps going. I thought for sure after the first thing, that it would be fine. Then the second thing happened, then the third, and so on...I seriously am flabbergasted! I keep in mind, though, that despite it being as bad as it is, it could still be so much worse. I just love my little Isaac so much, and he is such a sweetheart, that seeing him so miserable hurts. I'm hoping that I can get the baby to the doctor right away so she doesn't get where Isaac is now.
As for the cake shot, you're on. Anything helps. If I could, I'd be going to a resort hotel tonight with my, um, friend, and a massive bottle of Capt. Morgan's. I'd get drunk and unmake the bed very, very well...ha ha I realize that's a horrible thing to say, but a little brevity helps me deal better.
Love, Confusia
UGH! ARGH! WTF??? Class started three minutes ago. Everyone is working on completing writing projects that have been started but not finished. I said, "Because it's important that we get these pieces completed within the first hour of class today, everyone needs to be respectful of each other working and not talk." Within 30 seconds, the class was so loud I could not hear a girl standing in front of me asking a question. So again I stated, "There should be no talking right now. Everyone needs to be finishing incomplete pieces." After 30 seconds, the talking had started again. I then asked the class, "Should we work on a writing piece in which each of you writes what it means to be quiet and the consequences of chosing to talk when you have been asked three times to stop?" Finally, they stopped talking. Seriously, three times in three minutes. It's not like I teach in an SED class anymore. I get it. It's Friday. Trust me, nobody is more aware of that than me, but come on. How long until lunch???
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
I am enjoying my own little portion of Hell today, so don't feel alone. Last night, I took my son to the ER because he's been sick for three days, and it won't go away. He was burning up, throwing up, totally lethargic, and looks like he's lost 10 pounds. The doctor at the ER admitted him, so he spent the night there last night, and probably won't be released til tomorrow. I am really worried about him. He won't eat anything other than 2 cheetohs five hours apart. Without food, I'm worried that his body won't have enough calories to fight off the infection. It turns out he's got strep throat, which is insane, because he hasn't complained about his throat hurting at all. I thought it was the flu. He looks so pale lying in the hospital bed with an IV in his little arm. He can't even walk because he's too weak. A few minutes ago, the babysitter called to tell me that the baby is throwing up now, too. I just got Con, Jr. out of the hospital Monday, and she's still up to all of her fun behaviors. In the past three weeks, I have been through TEN different completely devastating events. I mean, any ONE of these things would have been insane to deal with, but TEN!!!! I'm beginning to just feel like I'm going to crumble. Half the time I don't know whether I want to cry, throw up, or crawl into bed and refuse to come out until next January. I swear, I think the only thing that is keeping me from a nervous breakdown is my fantastic daydreaming ability. I just won't think about more than one of these things at a time, and that only when I'm being forced to do so, which unfortunately, is frequent. I'm going to talk to a counselor next week and I'm hoping that will help. I haven't been home before 9:30 any night this week. that may sound normal to most people, but not for a single mother of three. The housework is building up with me not there to do it. I just go from doctor appt. to hospital, to this relative's house, to that relative's house, checking on one kid, filling another's prescription, to work, back to the doctor's office. Some days, I feel so overwhelmed. I feel bad because I've been so busy dealing with all of Confusia, Jr.'s issues, that I'd taken my son to his dad's so he could watch him while he's sick. Now my son is worse off, and I feel it's because I didn't get him to a doctor sooner. I feel like shit. I needed to vent.
Dear Confusia,
Yes, so I guess you are right. I have no reason to complain about chatty girls, all things considered. It was helpful to read your reply so as to ground me a little better. It helps too that I have a new class right now that is taking an exam and that are totally silent. (And boy do I love silent.)
So, I'm so sorry to hear that the kids are sick. I can't believe how the shit just keeps stacking up against you. It seems overwhelming to me and I'm only hearing about, not dealing with it. If you need anything from me, let me know. I know I can't be a huge help from so far away, but I'll do what I can. I'll definitely buy you a chocolate cake shot next weekend if we get to see each other. I know alcohol is a temporary fix, but it's better than no fix at all.
Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
If you want to complain about chatty girls, feel absolutely free to do so. They get on my effing nerves, too. :)
I also can't believe how everything just keeps going. I thought for sure after the first thing, that it would be fine. Then the second thing happened, then the third, and so on...I seriously am flabbergasted! I keep in mind, though, that despite it being as bad as it is, it could still be so much worse. I just love my little Isaac so much, and he is such a sweetheart, that seeing him so miserable hurts. I'm hoping that I can get the baby to the doctor right away so she doesn't get where Isaac is now.
As for the cake shot, you're on. Anything helps. If I could, I'd be going to a resort hotel tonight with my, um, friend, and a massive bottle of Capt. Morgan's. I'd get drunk and unmake the bed very, very well...ha ha I realize that's a horrible thing to say, but a little brevity helps me deal better.
Love, Confusia
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Dearest Confusia,
Please give me the strength to make it through the next 45 minutes. I am afraid that I might have to walk out of the room, go directly to my car, and drive away. I just don't know if I have it in me to last another 45 minutes. Oh shit! I just remembered that I have an after school work out club today. That means I need enough strength to make it through an hour and 45 minutes. In that case, PLEASE help me!
Love, Terps
Please give me the strength to make it through the next 45 minutes. I am afraid that I might have to walk out of the room, go directly to my car, and drive away. I just don't know if I have it in me to last another 45 minutes. Oh shit! I just remembered that I have an after school work out club today. That means I need enough strength to make it through an hour and 45 minutes. In that case, PLEASE help me!
Love, Terps
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
It's a Good Lip Day.
Dear Terps, Dear Confusia,
It's not often that I express pleasure about my lips (something about that sounds REALLY dirty...), and this is a really silly post, but I have to tell you that my lipstick turned out so beautifully today. (Wow! I'm impressed you bother with lipstuck. I stopped wearing that shit years ago. These days, I just slap on some cheap lip balm [current flavor watermelon] and call it a day.) I caught sight of my lips in my rear view mirror in the car, and just thought, "Behold!" ha ha (It's always so nice when you get a reminder of the fact that you aren't an ugly, used-up old hag. At least I'd guess it is.)
On a side note, my ass is still big. (Speaking of big asses...I think I mentioned that I have given up processed food. With that has come some significant weight loss. However, all of those pounds have obviously come out of my already extraordinarily small peanut head and non-existent boobs, because my ass is still packing a powerful punch.)
I have a few kids with me in In-School Suspension today, and that's unfortunate. My days are so much easier when there are no kids with me...ha ha Friday is a work day, though, so that will be an easy one. (It's sad that we consider teacher work days as a mini-holiday, huh?)This year has been my easiest since I started doing ISS. That's a good thing. I suppose that means that next year I will have a plethora of little hellions.
My W-2 arrived yesterday so once I file my taxes, I should have some money to come to Austin. The problem will be finding someone who can keep the baby overnight. I don't think I can stay for a whole weekend, but one night should be doable. (Ok, so as we plan this, if the one night could be Saturday night, that would work best for me because then I won't have to take Friday night off. Since I'm taking February 13th off to go up to visit my mom, I don't think I could pull taking another Friday off this month or probably next. Also, do you think you'll be able to break free at some point the weekend I'm up there?) We'll have to make plans for a good one. I wouldn't mind going to that all night karaoke place again...the byoliquor spot...If we had a good group, that would be quite fun. We'll have to remind Frank to bring earplugs, what do you think? And to make it a double...ha ha (Oh and a barf bag and possibly rotten fruit. He might want to start cultivating that now. More later Hot Lips.)
Love, Confusia Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
I am so effing irritated today. Why do these little hoodlums persist in being such whiny freakin' brats? They come to In-School Suspension acting like it's a treat! Then when I give them work to do, they say, (in the whiniest voices imaginable) "That's alot of work." or "I don't have any paper." or "I don't really want to do that." or "blah, blah, blah..."
Oh, dear, have I made your day unhappy, Little Children? Do you have to sit in here, and do your super duper difficult schoolwork? Awww... That's truly fucking heartbreaking. Now sit down, and shut the fuck up.
Okay, I feel better now.
Love, Confusia.
PS They have fucked up my euphoria over having beautiful lips today, the little assholes.
It's not often that I express pleasure about my lips (something about that sounds REALLY dirty...), and this is a really silly post, but I have to tell you that my lipstick turned out so beautifully today. (Wow! I'm impressed you bother with lipstuck. I stopped wearing that shit years ago. These days, I just slap on some cheap lip balm [current flavor watermelon] and call it a day.) I caught sight of my lips in my rear view mirror in the car, and just thought, "Behold!" ha ha (It's always so nice when you get a reminder of the fact that you aren't an ugly, used-up old hag. At least I'd guess it is.)
On a side note, my ass is still big. (Speaking of big asses...I think I mentioned that I have given up processed food. With that has come some significant weight loss. However, all of those pounds have obviously come out of my already extraordinarily small peanut head and non-existent boobs, because my ass is still packing a powerful punch.)
I have a few kids with me in In-School Suspension today, and that's unfortunate. My days are so much easier when there are no kids with me...ha ha Friday is a work day, though, so that will be an easy one. (It's sad that we consider teacher work days as a mini-holiday, huh?)This year has been my easiest since I started doing ISS. That's a good thing. I suppose that means that next year I will have a plethora of little hellions.
My W-2 arrived yesterday so once I file my taxes, I should have some money to come to Austin. The problem will be finding someone who can keep the baby overnight. I don't think I can stay for a whole weekend, but one night should be doable. (Ok, so as we plan this, if the one night could be Saturday night, that would work best for me because then I won't have to take Friday night off. Since I'm taking February 13th off to go up to visit my mom, I don't think I could pull taking another Friday off this month or probably next. Also, do you think you'll be able to break free at some point the weekend I'm up there?) We'll have to make plans for a good one. I wouldn't mind going to that all night karaoke place again...the byoliquor spot...If we had a good group, that would be quite fun. We'll have to remind Frank to bring earplugs, what do you think? And to make it a double...ha ha (Oh and a barf bag and possibly rotten fruit. He might want to start cultivating that now. More later Hot Lips.)
Love, Confusia Love, Terps
Dear Terps,
I am so effing irritated today. Why do these little hoodlums persist in being such whiny freakin' brats? They come to In-School Suspension acting like it's a treat! Then when I give them work to do, they say, (in the whiniest voices imaginable) "That's alot of work." or "I don't have any paper." or "I don't really want to do that." or "blah, blah, blah..."
Oh, dear, have I made your day unhappy, Little Children? Do you have to sit in here, and do your super duper difficult schoolwork? Awww... That's truly fucking heartbreaking. Now sit down, and shut the fuck up.
Okay, I feel better now.
Love, Confusia.
PS They have fucked up my euphoria over having beautiful lips today, the little assholes.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Borrowing from List of the Day today...sort of.
Dear Terps,
I noticed that on List of the Day, Cary has made Christian Bale the asshole of the day. I'm going to run with that idea, only I have a different nominee.
At 2:30 in the morning, I got a call from the soon-to-be-ex Mr. Confusia. I'd been up several times with my son, who was throwing up most of the night. I'd had a meltdown with Confusia Jr. earlier in the evening, etc. It was already a bad night. So I'm up getting a bottle for the baby, completely exhausted, and RING. It's him. He tells me that he really does love me, but he has alot on his mind, and could really use some encouragement, etc. Now, as most of my worst problems at the moment are because of him, and he knows it, why is he calling ME for 2:30 in the morning??? My thoughts were to say, "GROW THE FUCK UP!"
Would you consider that encouraging? Basically, what he got instead was silence, and then a, "You know, it's the middle of the night, and it's already been a rough one. I'm really not in an encouraging mood right now. I'm pissed off. I'm tired. I'm worried, and yes, I also have alot on my trying to get some sleep."
He hung up shortly thereafter. AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
What is that you think he intended for you to say? I mean what caused him to call you at 2:30? Did he think you were going to say, "You know what dear, let's forget everything that has ever happened between us and think of ways I make your life better,"? Wow. I need a drink just thinking about it. So what happens next?
We started semester 2 of sex ed today. I love the uncomfortable tension in the air. LOVE IT!
Love, Terps
P.S. You pissed that Bale was called an asshole?
Well, I didn't hear the recording, but it sound like it was a pretty good rant. If he was being an a-hole, he was being an a-hole. We all have our days, for sure.
I noticed that on List of the Day, Cary has made Christian Bale the asshole of the day. I'm going to run with that idea, only I have a different nominee.
At 2:30 in the morning, I got a call from the soon-to-be-ex Mr. Confusia. I'd been up several times with my son, who was throwing up most of the night. I'd had a meltdown with Confusia Jr. earlier in the evening, etc. It was already a bad night. So I'm up getting a bottle for the baby, completely exhausted, and RING. It's him. He tells me that he really does love me, but he has alot on his mind, and could really use some encouragement, etc. Now, as most of my worst problems at the moment are because of him, and he knows it, why is he calling ME for 2:30 in the morning??? My thoughts were to say, "GROW THE FUCK UP!"
Would you consider that encouraging? Basically, what he got instead was silence, and then a, "You know, it's the middle of the night, and it's already been a rough one. I'm really not in an encouraging mood right now. I'm pissed off. I'm tired. I'm worried, and yes, I also have alot on my trying to get some sleep."
He hung up shortly thereafter. AAARRGGGGHHHHH!!!
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
What is that you think he intended for you to say? I mean what caused him to call you at 2:30? Did he think you were going to say, "You know what dear, let's forget everything that has ever happened between us and think of ways I make your life better,"? Wow. I need a drink just thinking about it. So what happens next?
We started semester 2 of sex ed today. I love the uncomfortable tension in the air. LOVE IT!
Love, Terps
P.S. You pissed that Bale was called an asshole?
Well, I didn't hear the recording, but it sound like it was a pretty good rant. If he was being an a-hole, he was being an a-hole. We all have our days, for sure.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Wake Me When It's Over.
Dear Terps,
Lately, I feel like I'm totally running on auto-pilot. My house is a mess, though I did a bunch of work on it yesterday. My son is behind in his kindergarden homework. I just don't want to bother with much. I need to boost my energy...Well, not really my energy level. I have energy. It's that I'm bored with stuff. I'm bored of housework, bored of routine. I want to have an adventure. (A good kind of adventure, and not one that involves near-death experiences) Does any of this make sense, or am I rambling pointlessly?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I absolutely feel your pain. I keep thinking I'm stuck in a rut. It sucks. Maybe we can try to have an adventure when I come up in a few weeks. I'm bored with my job and my life too. It feels like I'm just stuck in one long day that keeps repeating. Maybe it's exceptionally bad today because it's Groundhog's Day? I'm blaming it on Bill Murray.
Love, Terps
Lately, I feel like I'm totally running on auto-pilot. My house is a mess, though I did a bunch of work on it yesterday. My son is behind in his kindergarden homework. I just don't want to bother with much. I need to boost my energy...Well, not really my energy level. I have energy. It's that I'm bored with stuff. I'm bored of housework, bored of routine. I want to have an adventure. (A good kind of adventure, and not one that involves near-death experiences) Does any of this make sense, or am I rambling pointlessly?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I absolutely feel your pain. I keep thinking I'm stuck in a rut. It sucks. Maybe we can try to have an adventure when I come up in a few weeks. I'm bored with my job and my life too. It feels like I'm just stuck in one long day that keeps repeating. Maybe it's exceptionally bad today because it's Groundhog's Day? I'm blaming it on Bill Murray.
Love, Terps
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