Monday, March 2, 2009

Wrong Week to Try to Get Back into Gear

Dear Confusia,

Ugh! I was out two and a half days last week with the flu. It was miserable. Now, I'm trying to get back into the mindset that you work five days and not two and a half, but of course this is a TAKS week so the whole schedule is upside down and stupid. Not to mention, that I was so angry with a student this morning (based on something another teacher asked me about) that all I could do was imagine how I was going to go clomping down to assembly this morning, pull her out into the hallway, and commense to having the Come to Jesus meeting of a lifetime with her. Imagine my disappointment when I got to the cafeteria to see that she isn't here today. Really? Can I get no joy in life?
Dear Terps,
I'm very curious as to what this charming girl-child did. It does suck when you're denied the opportunity to chew out a kid who richly deserves it. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), I get to chew out lots of kids on a daily basis. I wouldn't say it provides me with joy so much as it provides me with hypertension, but c'est la n'est pas la vie in rose. Man, I'm just about bi-lingual..ha ha
Love, Confusia

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