Dear Terps,
Are you as sore from running your Ten K today as I am from my yardwork? Pulling up weeds is a bitch, and one of the best arm/back/ waist workouts I can imagine.
I have some really great news, and I'm so excited about it I can't wait to tell you. Last Friday, I found out that Confusia Jr.'s choir teacher made her audition for "Annie". The school is doing a production of it. She got the lead role! She's gonna be singing, "The Sun'll come up...tomorrow..." Dancing, "It's a hard knock life...for us!" Acting, "I love you, Daddy Warbucks." I can't wait to see it! I hope she enjoys it because it would be great if she could get involved with an extracurricular activity at school. Nobody even knew she had auditioned, so when she came home Friday after finding out she was going to be Annie, everyone was so thrilled. She's had such a tough year, and this is a BIG positive for her. Very exciting! I wish I could say that she gets her voice from me, but we all know that would be a huge lie! ha ha
How was your weekend other than running the 10 K? Did you follow through with your binge drinking idea last night?
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
Congrats to Junior. I wish I had time to write more, but today is CRAZY. Sadly, the binge drinking was not thorough enough.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Well, Here We Go Again
Dear Confusia,
How are you? How was your Spring Break? I feel like I haven't heard from you in forever (or at leats nine days). I have to tell you that being in New Orleans was bitter sweet. I loved being there and it was so much fun, but the nostalgia of it REALLY got to me. I went to check out my old house and actually teared up a bit. It was far more intense than I would have ever expected. Sadly, I also learned that I just can't seem to drink like I used to be able to. That must be a skill that declines with time. So, tell me all about your vacation.
Love, Terps
How are you? How was your Spring Break? I feel like I haven't heard from you in forever (or at leats nine days). I have to tell you that being in New Orleans was bitter sweet. I loved being there and it was so much fun, but the nostalgia of it REALLY got to me. I went to check out my old house and actually teared up a bit. It was far more intense than I would have ever expected. Sadly, I also learned that I just can't seem to drink like I used to be able to. That must be a skill that declines with time. So, tell me all about your vacation.
Love, Terps
Friday, March 13, 2009
Hear the Angels Sing on High
Dear Confusia,
It's finally here! The last day before Spring Break. This week has been utter insanity, but in 7 hours, it'll be over. In fact, a week from now, I'll be trying to down several more drinks in New Orleans before my plane takes off in order to deliver me back to the "real world". But in the meantime...bliss. What plans do you have for the break?
Ah yeah!!!!
Could I be more excited? I don't think so. Of course, there are some more hours before I get off work, but this is the most excited I've been about Spring Break since...well, last year right before Spring Break!
I'd like to try to make it down to Austin one night of Spring Break. I'll have to locate babysitting services, and get back to you. I'm just thinking since I have a week off and all. Are you going to be in N'awlins all week? If so, you suck and I'm extremely jealous. Though I still hope you have a fantastic time, of course. :)
I sprained my shoulder or something last Sunday, so I'm pretty sure I will need to drink this week (for medicinal purposes, of course.) I've had my arm in a freaking sling all week, and I hate it. It had to be my right arm too, so I'm completely helpless. I don't know how in the hell you sprain a shoulder, except it's a sign that you're getting old. Perhaps I can fall and break my hip at the end of Spring Break. I need one of those damn emergency buttons that straps around your neck, I guess.
Doesn't matter, though, because I am still in a GREAT mood! :)))))) That's me smiling a whole lot!
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I won't be in New Orleans the whole time, but close. I leave out at the ass crack of dawn on Tuesday morning and get back just in time to work at the Warehouse on Friday night. The only possible doable nights for me would be either this Saturday or next Saturday. I don't know if those might work for you, but if they do, let me know!
Love, Terps
I'll see if I can arrange something for next Saturday. In the meantime, give New Orleans love from the Queen Sex Rock! ha ha
PS Watch out for the damn paparazzi!
It's finally here! The last day before Spring Break. This week has been utter insanity, but in 7 hours, it'll be over. In fact, a week from now, I'll be trying to down several more drinks in New Orleans before my plane takes off in order to deliver me back to the "real world". But in the meantime...bliss. What plans do you have for the break?
Ah yeah!!!!
Could I be more excited? I don't think so. Of course, there are some more hours before I get off work, but this is the most excited I've been about Spring Break since...well, last year right before Spring Break!
I'd like to try to make it down to Austin one night of Spring Break. I'll have to locate babysitting services, and get back to you. I'm just thinking since I have a week off and all. Are you going to be in N'awlins all week? If so, you suck and I'm extremely jealous. Though I still hope you have a fantastic time, of course. :)
I sprained my shoulder or something last Sunday, so I'm pretty sure I will need to drink this week (for medicinal purposes, of course.) I've had my arm in a freaking sling all week, and I hate it. It had to be my right arm too, so I'm completely helpless. I don't know how in the hell you sprain a shoulder, except it's a sign that you're getting old. Perhaps I can fall and break my hip at the end of Spring Break. I need one of those damn emergency buttons that straps around your neck, I guess.
Doesn't matter, though, because I am still in a GREAT mood! :)))))) That's me smiling a whole lot!
Love, Confusia
Dear Confusia,
I won't be in New Orleans the whole time, but close. I leave out at the ass crack of dawn on Tuesday morning and get back just in time to work at the Warehouse on Friday night. The only possible doable nights for me would be either this Saturday or next Saturday. I don't know if those might work for you, but if they do, let me know!
Love, Terps
I'll see if I can arrange something for next Saturday. In the meantime, give New Orleans love from the Queen Sex Rock! ha ha
PS Watch out for the damn paparazzi!
Friday, March 6, 2009
How Dumb is Confusia?

Dear Terps,
What a day I'm having! The good times are rolling here, let me tell you!
So this morning, I'm doing my morning duty in the gym with a bunch of Spring-Fevered, hormone infested 6th graders, right? Off to my left, I see this girl walk up to a boy and offer him a piece of gum out of a pack. I'm like, "WTF???" I go to her, and I say, "OH, No...There's no gum allowed anywhere on campus. You know this. You've known this since August! What's the problem? She looks really guilty. I take the pack of gum from her and say, "Follow me." I was heading out the gym door to take her to the VP's office, and I say to my morning duty co-worker, "A whole pack of gum, and she's offering it to that kid right in front of me!" My co-worker shakes her head. I look down at the pack of gum, and notice something weird about it. The silver wrapper part sticking out doesn't look bendable...So I think again, "Wtf???" I reach down to pull the stick of gum out, and WHAM! Electric shock. How stupid do I feel at this point?
Well, pretty much like the biggest moron ever! apart from feeling stupid, now I'm also a little more pissed off because my thumb is still tingling. I look at the girl and say, "Let's go." On the way to the office, I ask her if she's been to In-House before, and she says no. So I reply, "So this is just like a bit of a bad judgment day, huh?" She nods.
We get to the VP's office, I show her the pack of gum and tell her what happened, also telling her that the girl hasn't been in trouble before. She looks at the girl and says very sternly, "I'll let you go this time without a consequence since you haven't been in any trouble this year, but next time, there will be. I can't have kids bringing things like this to school and my teachers getting shocked." The girl nodded timidly and left the office. The VP's stern look lasts until just after the girl walks out. She then smiles, and says, "I'm gonna go offer the Principal a piece.", while laughing mischievously. I go with her because I feel entitled now, having been shocked myself.
Of course, he doesn't fall for it, which was a bit disappointing. I would have felt better if someone else had been as dumb as I was, but apparently, I'm the dumbest on the campus.
All in all, though, I have to give props to the girl. She was aiming small, just trying for a joke on a fellow student...instead she snagged the In-School teacher. Kudos.
I am now going to attempt to teach myself how to sit still and not drool at the same time.
Love, Confusia
juicy fruit sucks,
Thursday, March 5, 2009
She Took My Pencil
Dearest Confusia,
I am not even joking. Your latest post could not have come at a more needed time. Some kid took a pencil from my room. I'm glad I know how to handle it now. I can't wait to see her again. Thank you and thank that kid for me too, will ya?
I can't believe how much this week is dragging by. Having TAKS on Tuesday has made the rest of this week seem like a lesson in futility. And to be totally honest with you, it's not because of the kids, it's because of the teachers. It's as if all of us think we should get a holiday immediately following standardized testing. Granted we have Spring Break after 6 more school days, not counting today, but who's counting anyway...but I need a vacation RIGHT NOW!
So, in response to you asking me in an earlier post what I wanted to tear into that kid about, well, here goes. She is in my advisory and therefore she tests in my classroom. Well, I never use the overhead lights in my room because they give me a headache. However, everytime we test I ask the girls if they want me to turn them on or if we're good with the lamps and the windows. They always say leave them off, her included. Well, she told this other teacher that I wouldn't turn on the lights in my room and she thought that would make her do poorly on the test. So the teacher comes to me asking about the lighting in my room. Then, the next day, the teacher comes to me telling me that the girl said it's too crowded in my room for her to concentrate. There are 12 girls who test in here, btw, and I have space for 25 kids, so... I finally told the other teacher that the REAL issue was that this girl is afraid she's going to fail the test and instead of being accountable for it she wants an excuse, and I'm her excuse. The other teacher agreed, and we decided I would put her straight about it. So, it was disappointing for me to get all riled up about having this conversation with her and then not getting to follow through. It's one thing when you have to impromptu yell at someone, but when you plan it and then don't get to do it, you feel vacant and cheated. Ugh...gotta teach.
Dear Terps,
I can't type today, so please overlook any typos. For some reason, my fingers won't go where I want them to go today.
What is it with kids? they're getting on my nerves. It's definitely time for Spring Break. One more week...I just don't know if I can make it!! the kids here are acting like their parents are feeding them crack rock for breakfast. I'm glad the long, dry spell that is Jan, Feb, and 1/2 March in public education is almost over, but these kids are seriously losing it! I'm so ready for just the weekend. Why do the days seem to be getting longer and longer...the clocks slower and slower??? HEELLLPPP MMEEEEEE!
I am not even joking. Your latest post could not have come at a more needed time. Some kid took a pencil from my room. I'm glad I know how to handle it now. I can't wait to see her again. Thank you and thank that kid for me too, will ya?
I can't believe how much this week is dragging by. Having TAKS on Tuesday has made the rest of this week seem like a lesson in futility. And to be totally honest with you, it's not because of the kids, it's because of the teachers. It's as if all of us think we should get a holiday immediately following standardized testing. Granted we have Spring Break after 6 more school days, not counting today, but who's counting anyway...but I need a vacation RIGHT NOW!
So, in response to you asking me in an earlier post what I wanted to tear into that kid about, well, here goes. She is in my advisory and therefore she tests in my classroom. Well, I never use the overhead lights in my room because they give me a headache. However, everytime we test I ask the girls if they want me to turn them on or if we're good with the lamps and the windows. They always say leave them off, her included. Well, she told this other teacher that I wouldn't turn on the lights in my room and she thought that would make her do poorly on the test. So the teacher comes to me asking about the lighting in my room. Then, the next day, the teacher comes to me telling me that the girl said it's too crowded in my room for her to concentrate. There are 12 girls who test in here, btw, and I have space for 25 kids, so... I finally told the other teacher that the REAL issue was that this girl is afraid she's going to fail the test and instead of being accountable for it she wants an excuse, and I'm her excuse. The other teacher agreed, and we decided I would put her straight about it. So, it was disappointing for me to get all riled up about having this conversation with her and then not getting to follow through. It's one thing when you have to impromptu yell at someone, but when you plan it and then don't get to do it, you feel vacant and cheated. Ugh...gotta teach.
Dear Terps,
I can't type today, so please overlook any typos. For some reason, my fingers won't go where I want them to go today.
What is it with kids? they're getting on my nerves. It's definitely time for Spring Break. One more week...I just don't know if I can make it!! the kids here are acting like their parents are feeding them crack rock for breakfast. I'm glad the long, dry spell that is Jan, Feb, and 1/2 March in public education is almost over, but these kids are seriously losing it! I'm so ready for just the weekend. Why do the days seem to be getting longer and longer...the clocks slower and slower??? HEELLLPPP MMEEEEEE!
crack rock,
spaghetti fingers,
stupid kids
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
How to "Accidentally" Punch Someone In the Face...
Dear Terps,
I just had a kid come to me who, besides being a total pain in the ass on his good days, just "accidentally" punched someone in the face. Now, always having an eye for new techniques, I'm having him write a how-to essay. I feel that this will be a beneficial skill to add to my repertoire. I will share the information with you when he turns it in, so that you can also benefit from his super (albeit accidental) ninja skills.
In the meantime, I will tell you how my week is going. Not that it isn't intensely boring, but rather because it IS so intensely boring, and I don't have anything else to do currently...Last Friday I went out with Friend. He took me to dinner, and then back to his apt. for a movie, Whtie Russians, etc. It was alot of fun, and I laughed alot. Saturday I really didn't do anything. Sunday I went to church, and cleaned house. Monday, nothing. Tuesday I had dinner with the kids and my dad and step-mother. See? I bet you can't handle all the excitement already! Tonight, probably nothing much again. Oh no, wait...I'm going to turn in some movies to Blockbuster. A little heads up- I wouldn't recommend watching the movie Max Payne. It's best feature is that it's truthfully named. Tomorrow I am going to see a counselor, which I believe will be greatly beneficial for me. I'm glad about it because there's alot I need to talk about with someone who knows what the hell they're doing, and hopefully it will be a big help. I mean, talking to myself just doesn't have quite the same healing capacity I'm pretty sure...
Alrighty, here we go...not quite what I asked for, but what else is new...
"How to Accidentally Punch Someone in the Face"
by Anonymous Super Accidental Ninja Kid
I puct him in thz fazc for a pin and i got thz pinagen and hz told thz t.c. and i got to (Principal)
offiss and hz got mad at mz and hz yalld at me and got intrbul by (Principal) thrzd porzdy.
For those who don't speak Effing Gibberish, this translates loosely to the following:
I punched him in the face for a pen, and I got the pen again, and he told the teacher and I got to the Principal's office and he got mad at me and he yelled at me and I got in trouble by the Principal. I am now being sent to alternative school.
It never ceases to amaze me how many kids there are who think the word "and" is the same damn thing as a period. Fear for the future of humanity...
Love, Confusia
I just had a kid come to me who, besides being a total pain in the ass on his good days, just "accidentally" punched someone in the face. Now, always having an eye for new techniques, I'm having him write a how-to essay. I feel that this will be a beneficial skill to add to my repertoire. I will share the information with you when he turns it in, so that you can also benefit from his super (albeit accidental) ninja skills.
In the meantime, I will tell you how my week is going. Not that it isn't intensely boring, but rather because it IS so intensely boring, and I don't have anything else to do currently...Last Friday I went out with Friend. He took me to dinner, and then back to his apt. for a movie, Whtie Russians, etc. It was alot of fun, and I laughed alot. Saturday I really didn't do anything. Sunday I went to church, and cleaned house. Monday, nothing. Tuesday I had dinner with the kids and my dad and step-mother. See? I bet you can't handle all the excitement already! Tonight, probably nothing much again. Oh no, wait...I'm going to turn in some movies to Blockbuster. A little heads up- I wouldn't recommend watching the movie Max Payne. It's best feature is that it's truthfully named. Tomorrow I am going to see a counselor, which I believe will be greatly beneficial for me. I'm glad about it because there's alot I need to talk about with someone who knows what the hell they're doing, and hopefully it will be a big help. I mean, talking to myself just doesn't have quite the same healing capacity I'm pretty sure...
Alrighty, here we go...not quite what I asked for, but what else is new...
"How to Accidentally Punch Someone in the Face"
by Anonymous Super Accidental Ninja Kid
I puct him in thz fazc for a pin and i got thz pinagen and hz told thz t.c. and i got to (Principal)
offiss and hz got mad at mz and hz yalld at me and got intrbul by (Principal) thrzd porzdy.
For those who don't speak Effing Gibberish, this translates loosely to the following:
I punched him in the face for a pen, and I got the pen again, and he told the teacher and I got to the Principal's office and he got mad at me and he yelled at me and I got in trouble by the Principal. I am now being sent to alternative school.
It never ceases to amaze me how many kids there are who think the word "and" is the same damn thing as a period. Fear for the future of humanity...
Love, Confusia
Monday, March 2, 2009
Wrong Week to Try to Get Back into Gear
Dear Confusia,
Ugh! I was out two and a half days last week with the flu. It was miserable. Now, I'm trying to get back into the mindset that you work five days and not two and a half, but of course this is a TAKS week so the whole schedule is upside down and stupid. Not to mention, that I was so angry with a student this morning (based on something another teacher asked me about) that all I could do was imagine how I was going to go clomping down to assembly this morning, pull her out into the hallway, and commense to having the Come to Jesus meeting of a lifetime with her. Imagine my disappointment when I got to the cafeteria to see that she isn't here today. Really? Can I get no joy in life?
Dear Terps,
I'm very curious as to what this charming girl-child did. It does suck when you're denied the opportunity to chew out a kid who richly deserves it. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), I get to chew out lots of kids on a daily basis. I wouldn't say it provides me with joy so much as it provides me with hypertension, but c'est la n'est pas la vie in rose. Man, I'm just about bi-lingual..ha ha
Love, Confusia
Ugh! I was out two and a half days last week with the flu. It was miserable. Now, I'm trying to get back into the mindset that you work five days and not two and a half, but of course this is a TAKS week so the whole schedule is upside down and stupid. Not to mention, that I was so angry with a student this morning (based on something another teacher asked me about) that all I could do was imagine how I was going to go clomping down to assembly this morning, pull her out into the hallway, and commense to having the Come to Jesus meeting of a lifetime with her. Imagine my disappointment when I got to the cafeteria to see that she isn't here today. Really? Can I get no joy in life?
Dear Terps,
I'm very curious as to what this charming girl-child did. It does suck when you're denied the opportunity to chew out a kid who richly deserves it. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), I get to chew out lots of kids on a daily basis. I wouldn't say it provides me with joy so much as it provides me with hypertension, but c'est la n'est pas la vie in rose. Man, I'm just about bi-lingual..ha ha
Love, Confusia
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