Friday, October 17, 2008

My Finger Hurts

Dear Confusia,

Last night, I woke up and my room was kind of stuffy. I decided, as it was nice outside, that I should just open the window and let some air in. Well, I hadn't opened my window since back in April probably, so when my half-asleep person tried to open it, the window was stuck. Well, in my attempt to pull it open, I managed to rip not one, but TWO of my fingernails off my fingers. It was stupendously awesome.

Now, I'm here at school, thankful for Bandaids, and wishing it was 3:55 in stead of 9:55. I'm not sure if today was the day that you were going to chaperone some sporting event or if yesterday was. I get to take the volleyball teams to a UT game tonight. I know you're jealous. At least once that's over, I am coaching free for at least 9 months. SWEET!!!

Michelle was supposed to come visit this weekend, but something came up and she isn't going to make it afterall. I kind of like the idea that I don't HAVE to get hussied up and go out this weekend. Does that mean I'm old?

Hope you have a great weekend!

Love ya,

Last Thursday I had to go on a field trip to TCU for a girls soccer game. It was swell. TCU lost. BYU won. I was starving. My story is told.
I'm sorry about your fingernails. That sucks. That feeling of your fingernails ripping gives me the heebie-jeebies worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. I can barely talk about it without feeling yucky-ness in my spine.

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