Monday, September 22, 2008

Little Things That Keep Me Going

Dearest Confusia,

I'm really glad to hear about your dry erase board. I too got dry erase boards this year. I find that exciting because although I had chalk boards last year, they didn't erase worth a crap and I found that incredibly annoying. Plus everyone knows that the high you get from smelling dry erase markers is WAY better than chalk.

So, how was your weekend? Mine was ok. Not long enough (of course) and not restful enough, but I did wipe out the pockets of several people playing poker last night so I have no complaints.

Shoud we practice for the reunion tour?

Dear Terps,
I do like the dry erase markers, but I find myself coming up with excuses to use my Sharpie "Magnum". We're talking about an inch thick marker filled with Sharpie fumes...Plus, the word "Magnum"...Not quite as good as "Moist Towellette", but still pretty intoxicating. (Pun intended)
My weekend was ordered up by Satan himself. Destruction, heartache, night at my mom's house. I kept looking up at the skies expecting to see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse bearing down on me. I have no doubt that all four of those flaming horses would have taken a crap on my head as they passed. Sweet.

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