Dear Terps,
I give you, "TAKS...the limerick."
For those of you not in the know...
Let me tell about something that blows.
It's this test they call TAKS,
It's a pain in the ass,
And is causing immeasurable woes.
Oh, TAKS causes kids to melt down,
Turns all of them into Ass Clowns
And the teachers may bleat
Or smoke crack rock complete,
Or just drink alcohol till they drown.
The reps down in Austin, they say,
That the TAKS is a competent way,
To assess certain skills,
But I'd run for the hills
If it wouldn't subtract from my pay.
When you see all the teachers unite
At the bars to go drinking tonight,
Or passed out on your lawn,
'Cause your kids are all spawn
Blame the TAKS, and your children. They bite.
I have every sucky kid in the school right now...minus one or two. I tried to convince the art teacher to call in for us at lunch and tell them we'd caught the flu, but for some reason, we ended up back here anyway...
Dear Confusia,
You know what I think is actually worse than the TAKS? It's the 5 weeks of school following the TAKS. It's hard enough to get kids to pay attention and behave at school right now, but you KNOW how they get after the TAKS. They think it's PAR-TAY time. As far as they're concerned, school ends on April 30th as they answer #40 on the reading test. The problem is that we all still have to show up to work everyday until June 6th and try to cram more knowledge into their thick little skulls. It would be so much better if (a) we didn't have TAKS at all or (b) we had TAKS the last two days of school. At least then maybe SOME of them could focus through the end of the school year, ya know?
Dear Terps,
Yes, they do get wicked out-of-control after the TAKS, but it seems like the situation is already out-of-control for me. See, what happens is this...The teachers have to get all the TAKS info into these kids heads ASAP...like if they haven't learned it yet this year, they'll somehow master it in the last two days or something. SO! They are sending any kid who is disrupting their teaching time to In-House. I've got all the kids who got sent here for misc. stuff like trying to kill each other, or smoking crack in the bathroom, and then I've ALSO got all the kids who are disrupting classes. Now that you've taken all the classroom disrupters and put them into one classroom, what happens? They all start magically behaving, and world peace is achieved. No. I mean, they act like little heathen, evil, Lord of the Flies Satan spawn. Welcome to my classroom. At least after the TAKS, I won't get so many of the general classroom disrupters hopefully. Key word: HOPEFULLY
Dear Confusia,
It's official. I'm totally over it. I'm over this day. I'm over this week. Hell, at this moment in time, I'm totally over this job. I need a fucking vacation, and sadly I don't think my little trip to DFW is going to be able to pull me out of the slump I'm currently in. It might help, but it won't fix it. Speaking of, any freetime this weekend? Let me know!
I maybe could get some free time. I'd need to find a babysitter. Also, my car is about to break down. It sounds really bad. Oh, and I have $8.00 to my name. Other than that, I'm game.
Ugh! We had NJASK (NJ Assessment of Skills and Knowledge)this week. Oh, and we go to JUNE 27!!! Did I mention that I teach in Newark? The airport is the highlight of that city. Now this coming week will be the NJASK 5 and 6, so even though we're done, I gotta keep my kids silent and in the room since we'll still be in "test mode". Kill me. I feel your pain...
Sounds very.. TAKS-ing.
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