It's a Beastie Boogaloo Kind of Day.
Dear Terps,
I really don't have much to report. Miracles never cease. What about you? Surely there's something spicy happening in your life right now. With what may I assist you today? :)
Have you been to the Beastlie Girls website lately? Just out of curiosity...
Whatever happened to the cardboard VW emblem I made for you?Yes, my day is so dull that I'm left to ponder relics from our past.
Dear Confusia,
Not much to report here really. I'm just waiting for a call from my doctor because I REALLY think that I am slowly bleeding to death. It's been a constant trickle since March 28th, but today the floodgates opened, but I've been on medication to make it stop for 7 days now. I don't understand what's happening. I went and had lab work done on Thursday of last week and haven't heard anything from her about it. Certainly the results would be back by now, yes? Whatever. Could losing this much blood be a weight loss plan?
As for the Beastlie Girls site, I haven't been there in forever. Anything new? And speaking of sites and new, we REALLY need to get back on snatchdotcom. As for my VW emblem (love the pix where Mike D. is sporting his) it was in my Rav4 when I had the accident that totalled it. When they took it off to the junk yard, I never retrieved any of the stuff in it. (Mr. Bigglesworth was in there as well. Oh and Likatung too...)
Now, I'm sad.
PS Is it weird that I find Michelangelo's David so very attractive? I don't just mean that I find it a beautiful work, I mean I want to marry a guy that looks like him. I should keep that to myself. I'll blame it on the blood loss.
While I wish I could report that blood loss=weight loss, it doesn't. For awhile, I was seriously contemplating removing the Mirena and just abstaining because of the whacked out, in no way normal, terrifying level of bleeding I was suffering. So glad I didn't. I haven't even had one in almost two months. I think (keeping my fingers crossed) that it's finally working the way they told me it would. But yeah, I weighed myself daily during those stressful eight day bleed-a thons, and never lost a pound. Not fair. If you're going to bleed to death, you should at least be able to die at your ideal weight. I'm just sayin'.
Now I'm sad about your VW, Bigglesworth, and Likitung. Did not realize you'd lost all the sacred relics from our first year of friendship.
A. VW emblem that I made you for your birthday out of cardboard, a hanging plant chain, and gold spray paint. 'Cause you're worth it...ha ha Geez, I was broker then than I am now. How?
B. Our matching talking, plush Mr. Bigglesworths that I bought for us at some drive-thru.
"We don't gnaw on our kitt-ee." I still have mine, you know.
C. Likitung, the Pokemon with the four foot long tongue who attacks by licking you and making you "tingle". Because we are both total pervs...ha ha
This makes me wonder if I still have the letter I got from Sal, Attorney-to-the-Stars...you know, that letter you wrote and put in my box in the office that almost gave me a heart attack???
Mr. Bigglesworth came from Taco Bell. I have one, too.
OH! That's so awesome. Now you can be in our talking plush Mr. Bigglesworth club! As soon as I saw them, I knew we had to have them.
On a side note,I really should have remembered this as Taco Bell is my home away from home.
Uhm...I hate to be all teachery and junk, but I think that our Mr. Bigglesworths came from Pizza Hut. I say this because I remember you telling me that you had to force yourself to gag down some pizza to get me mine. Since Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are owned by the same people, I'm going with Pizza Hut.
It's sad that I visit so many fast food establishments regularly enough to get confused about what I got where...
If only they had a fast food place that sold raw cabbage. I might actually be able to lose weight. "Hey kids, we're going to pull through somewhere!"
"YAY! We want chicken McNuggets!"
"Oh no, Kids. Tonight, we're having Carrot Macs with a supersize order of McCelery! We'll top that off with a Large cup of McWater!"
I'd be the most popular parent ever!
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